Agregar protección FairPlay a sus aplicaciones de Apple TV

En este tema, aprenderá a agregar la protección de contenido FairPlay a sus aplicaciones de Apple TV que utilizan el SDK nativo de Brightcove para tvOS.


El SDK nativo para tvOS admite la protección de administración de derechos digitales (DRM) mediante HLS con FairPlay Streaming. Cuando su cuenta está habilitada para DRM y configurada para Dynamic Delivery, sus videos se empaquetarán automáticamente para DRM cuando los ingiera.

Debido a que la compatibilidad con videos protegidos con FairPlay está integrada en el marco principal del Brightcove Native SDK, no necesitará cargar un certificado de aplicación. Para obtener más detalles, consulte la Seguridad de contenido (DRM) con los SDK del reproductor nativo documento.

Muestra de código

Para agregar protección de contenido FairPlay a su aplicación Apple TV, siga estos pasos:

  1. Empiece con el Apple TV básico aplicación de muestra.
  2. Agregue el código de licencia de FairPlay a su aplicación. Esto se puede encontrar en el FairPlay básico muestra.

Tu código para el ViewController.swift El archivo debería verse similar a esto:

//  ViewController.swift
//  Fairplay-Video-Playback
//  Copyright © 2019 Brightcove. All rights reserved.

import UIKit
import BrightcovePlayerSDK

// This example is for content using Dynamic Delivery. Because of this, you do NOT need to specify your FairPlay Application ID or the FairPlay Publisher ID.
fileprivate struct playbackConfig {
    static let policyKey = "your policy key"
    static let accountID = "your account ID"
    static let videoID = "your video ID"

class ViewController: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var videoContainerView: UIView!

    var playbackController: BCOVPlaybackController = BCOVPlayerSDKManager.shared().createPlaybackController()
    var fairPlayAuthProxy: BCOVFPSBrightcoveAuthProxy?

    lazy var playerView: BCOVTVPlayerView? = {
        // Set ourself as the presenting view controller
        // so that tab bar panels can present other view controllers
        let options = BCOVTVPlayerViewOptions()
        options.presentingViewController = self

        // Create and add to the video container view
        guard let _playerView = BCOVTVPlayerView(options: options) else {
            return nil

        // Link the playback controller to the Player View
        _playerView.playbackController = playbackController


        _playerView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            _playerView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: videoContainerView.topAnchor),
            _playerView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: videoContainerView.rightAnchor),
            _playerView.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: videoContainerView.leftAnchor),
            _playerView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: videoContainerView.bottomAnchor)

        return _playerView

    lazy var playbackService: BCOVPlaybackService = {
        return BCOVPlaybackService(accountId: playbackConfig.accountID, policyKey: playbackConfig.policyKey)

    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder)
        super.init(coder: aDecoder)

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

        // With Dynamic Delivery, you don't need to load
        // an application certificate. The FairPlay session will load an
        // application certificate for you if needed.
        // You can just load and play your FairPlay videos.

        // With Dynamic Delivery, you can pass nil for the publisherId and applicationId
        self.fairPlayAuthProxy = BCOVFPSBrightcoveAuthProxy(publisherId: nil,
                                                            applicationId: nil)

        let sdkManager = BCOVPlayerSDKManager.sharedManager()

        // Create chain of session providers
        let psp = sdkManager?.createBasicSessionProvider(with:nil)
        let fps = sdkManager?.createFairPlaySessionProvider(withApplicationCertificate:nil,


        // Create the playback controller
        playbackController = (sdkManager?.createPlaybackController(with:fps, viewStrategy:nil))!
        // Configure the playback controller
        playbackController.isAutoAdvance = false
        playbackController.isAutoPlay = true
        playbackController.delegate = self

        // Link the playback controller to the Player View
        playerView?.playbackController = playbackController


    private func createSampleTabBarItemView() {

        guard let playerView = playerView, var topTabBarItemViews = playerView.settingsView.topTabBarItemViews else {

        let sampleTabBarItemView = SampleTabBarItemView(size: CGSize.init(width: 620, height: 200), playerView: playerView)

        // Insert our new tab bar item view at the end of the top tab bar
        playerView.settingsView.topTabBarItemViews = topTabBarItemViews

    private func requestContentFromPlaybackService() {
        playbackService.findVideo(withVideoID: playbackConfig.videoID, parameters: nil) { [weak self] (video: BCOVVideo?, jsonResponse: [AnyHashable: Any]?, error: Error?) -> Void in

            if let _video = video {
                //  since "isAutoPlay" is true, setVideos will begin playing the content
                self?.playbackController.setVideos([_video] as NSArray)
            } else {
                print("ViewController Debug - Error retrieving video: \(error?.localizedDescription ?? "unknown error")")


// MARK: - UIFocusEnvironment overrides
extension ViewController {

    // Focus Environment override for tvOS 9
    override var preferredFocusedView: UIView? {
        return playerView

    // Focus Environment override for tvOS 10+
    override var preferredFocusEnvironments: [UIFocusEnvironment] {
        return (playerView != nil ? [ playerView! ] : [])


// MARK: - BCOVPlaybackControllerDelegate
extension ViewController: BCOVPlaybackControllerDelegate {

    func playbackController(_ controller: BCOVPlaybackController!, didAdvanceTo session: BCOVPlaybackSession!) {
        NSLog("ViewController Debug - Advanced to new session.")

    func playbackController(_ controller: BCOVPlaybackController!, playbackSession session: BCOVPlaybackSession!, didReceive lifecycleEvent: BCOVPlaybackSessionLifecycleEvent!) {
        NSLog("Event: %@", lifecycleEvent.eventType)
